Originally posted by Hairy
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She likes eh idea of a GL but I don't want another fat ass car that does sub 20 MPG. Our discovery can do that already so there would be little point in the change.
IMO the 5.5 engine around 2007 was their heyday but frankly there is just too much power in them. A friend bought an E55 estate from MB in Czech it was a cast off from one of the senior managers at AMG. It was just ridiculous. When we went to see them he had just put his second set of rear tyres on and they had only had the car a few months. Christ knows how he coped in the winter months.
AMG seem to be bought on a whim by people that like top gear then driven rather timidly in the middle lane for the rest of their lives In a vain attempt to keep petrol/tyre costs down and the owners license in tact. Apart from my mate who is a goon, I don't think I ever saw one being driven the way AMG built them That's probably not a bad thing in this country.