Here's a much more friendly material.
Guaranteed proof.
The pressure of soldering 104 surface mount leds onto veroboard, stringing them together, producing a dozen speed controller boards for some little dc motors, and designing & making a PIC microcontroller board to make some of the leds fade up & down took a bit of time.
I felt rather as if I was working in a Chinese Xmas lights factory for a while.
And, at the end of it, I couldn't understand the software I wrote about 2 years ago that did the fade up/down business.
I hate it when that happens.
Hope the flickery result doesn't cause too many epileptic fits.
They may be dropping like flies on Saturday afternoon then.
At the exhibition of work.
"My" next project involves conductive thread and materials (like the hat thing above).
Dunno how I get involved in this stuff, but one thing is certain, I ain't doing any more Xmas lights.
Nosiree Bob.
Guaranteed proof.
The pressure of soldering 104 surface mount leds onto veroboard, stringing them together, producing a dozen speed controller boards for some little dc motors, and designing & making a PIC microcontroller board to make some of the leds fade up & down took a bit of time.
I felt rather as if I was working in a Chinese Xmas lights factory for a while.
And, at the end of it, I couldn't understand the software I wrote about 2 years ago that did the fade up/down business.
I hate it when that happens.
Hope the flickery result doesn't cause too many epileptic fits.
They may be dropping like flies on Saturday afternoon then.
At the exhibition of work.
"My" next project involves conductive thread and materials (like the hat thing above).
Dunno how I get involved in this stuff, but one thing is certain, I ain't doing any more Xmas lights.
Nosiree Bob.