I've repped you both for some most excellent banker bashing, which should be a national sport.
However in the interests of 'fairness' I might also take this opportunity to pass on some also excellent looking comments that take an interestingly diametric position on the issue of the parasitic bwankers and their ill gotten games and who should be jailed rather than handsomely rewarded for their work, posted on HPC:
Hang on, bonuses are taxed as income, are they not? And at the higher rate, so the net tax take would be higher on bonuses than on corporate profits, yes? So why the fook does everyone keep whinging about bank bonuses?
Absolutely - and RBS has so many losses to carry forward, they won't be paying corp tax in the UK for a long while. This way, the State collects 50% of the money back in taxes - which goes towards paying off the 'equity' (read made up printed balance sheet money) put into it.
Royal Bank Of Scotland To Pay Nearly $1.5Bn In Bonuses After Losing $1.7Bn - House Price Crash forum
However in the interests of 'fairness' I might also take this opportunity to pass on some also excellent looking comments that take an interestingly diametric position on the issue of the parasitic bwankers and their ill gotten games and who should be jailed rather than handsomely rewarded for their work, posted on HPC:
Hang on, bonuses are taxed as income, are they not? And at the higher rate, so the net tax take would be higher on bonuses than on corporate profits, yes? So why the fook does everyone keep whinging about bank bonuses?
Absolutely - and RBS has so many losses to carry forward, they won't be paying corp tax in the UK for a long while. This way, the State collects 50% of the money back in taxes - which goes towards paying off the 'equity' (read made up printed balance sheet money) put into it.
Royal Bank Of Scotland To Pay Nearly $1.5Bn In Bonuses After Losing $1.7Bn - House Price Crash forum