Originally posted by zeitghost
You may still be able to read with your distance glasses off (but no longer with them on, because your focus range is now too small), but the monitor may be too far for the naked eye and too near for the distance glasses.
You need to decide what to do about that as you get older.
- If you wear glasses, you don't have to decide until it happens. Then you can either have several pairs, or bifocals or graduated lenses.
- If you wear contact lenses, you don't have to decide until it happens. Then you can do "monovision" (1 for near and 1 for far), or toric (which are supposed to let you see at all distances), or wear lenses and sometimes use glasses too.
- If you're going to get surgery, you should probably decide in advance, what you want to do about that question. Having surgery won't stop age-related presbyopia from happening.