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    Originally posted by chef View Post
    Claudius Therme in Cologne
    Neptune Bad also in Cologne

    essentially, the more expensive sauna's. Sauna's are as common as going to the gym in the uk and as such there are your local Sauna's which have the basic facilities and are cheap to goto but expect to see your council estate german in there, in the more expensive and thus nicer sauna's are equal to if not better than uk spa's with several sauna types, indoor / outdoor swimming, gardens to stroll around in after a sauna (naked) and the "quality" of people are better "presented"
    Including young fit ones? And not too high a ratio of sausages?


      don't bother, I get it.


        Originally posted by Churchill View Post
        It's not forgotten, just not part of this topic.
        No one mentions war crimes when Russia et. al comes up, it's relevant to the OP's Germany observation.


          Originally posted by TimberWolf View Post
          But we are forgetting. Hardly anyone mentions Russia or China or Japan or Spain and others. All Germany. I do realise that this was your own point, but you then proceed to speak singularly about Germany, just like everyone else. All the rest is forgotten.
          I can do you an essay on man's inhumanity to man if you want.

          Where shall we begin? Elizabethan England and the history either side makes for an excellent example.

          The American Civil War is another.

          We could do the wars between the Greek city states; that is the greatest Greek tragedy of all.

          The massacre of the native Americans (North and South), Australian Aborigines, the Tasmanians or any other group of indigenous people and, no doubt, a few Celts on here might have an opinion about displaced peoples.

          The massacres by the Normans were spectacularly brutal and efficient, and much of the white population of England is infested with their genes.

          We could go for class differences and wonder about the hidden agenda behind sending millions of fit working class men to die in front of machine guns 90-odd years ago, at a time when empowerment of the workers was taking off in a variety of forms.

          It's not important who did it. It's about what YOU will do to stop it happening again.
          My all-time favourite Dilbert cartoon, this is: BTW, a Dumpster is a brand of skip, I think.


            Originally posted by chef View Post
            Claudius Therme in Cologne
            Neptune Bad also in Cologne

            essentially, the more expensive sauna's. Sauna's are as common as going to the gym in the uk and as such there are your local Sauna's which have the basic facilities and are cheap to goto but expect to see your council estate german in there, in the more expensive and thus nicer sauna's are equal to if not better than uk spa's with several sauna types, indoor / outdoor swimming, gardens to stroll around in after a sauna (naked) and the "quality" of people are better "presented"
            I'm dying to take that out of context and ask how best to "present" my willy in a "quality" fashion

            But seriously, yes, these places are pleasantly chav and rowdie free. The only dodgy customer I've seen in my local spa looked like Italian mafia, with his missus. The bodyguard was a bit of a giveaway (and to my secret delight was clearly scared of water).
            Behold the warranty -- the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh away.


              Originally posted by jmo21 View Post
              smacked down, fair enough!

              Wonder why the civilians did it, fear of being shot by the soldiers?
              Well, I guess they were desensitized. If people are spoon fed propaganda for years telling them that some group of people are dangerous, deceitful people who wish ill upon them, it becomes very easy to dehumanize the targets of hatred; once you’ve done that, those in power can start, in a small ways, to make those peoples’ lives more difficult, thereby causing them to fall even lower in the esteem of the majority. It’s a drip-drip-drip process which starts with a few loons claiming that some minority group have a great conspiracy to control the economy, take over the world, or impose their way of life on the majority, and then the ball starts rolling; sometimes it stops before any damage is done, sometimes it doesn’t.

              Now if you think about it it’s actually quite ridiculous to claim that ‘Jews controlled the economy in the 1930s’, as Hitler and his chums claimed. Although there were many Jews working in the banking system in Europe and the USA, there were more non-Jews, and the real economy of factories, farms and shops involved mostly non-Jews. It wasn’t Jews who decided whether to build cars and trucks or tanks and aeroplanes, but white, Christian Germans. Likewise, the claim made by some people now that European muslims are hoping to take over Europe and subject us all to dhimmitude is clearly preposterous to anyone with a clear mind. A minority, comprising about 5% of the population, simply can’t do that without the tacit approval of the other 95%. Besides, European muslims don’t seem to show different political choices to other Europeans, and in fact here in Holland they vote almost exclusively for the various secular centrist parties. Now then, here in Holland, muslims actually form nearly 10% of the population; if they really were planning to take over the country, they’d have organized themselves politically, have 10% of the seats in parliament and be able to join in a coalition government. No ‘muslim party’ has ever gained a seat, even in a council election, despite having tried. Why? Well, you could go for the complicated explanation that they’re all deceiving us and waiting for their chance, or you could follow common sense and conclude that they don’t want religious power over our politics. Anyway, whatever rational arguments you give, it doesn’t stop a growing chunk of the population (currently about 20% and rising in Holland) believing that the Muslims are all conspiring against us and hiding their intentions behind something called ‘taqqiya’. Normal people have been made to believe something that only a few years ago they themselves would have thought utterly ridiculous, but are now making their political choices based on that ridiculous idea, and are convinced that a hate campaign against muslims is actually 'self defense'. I find it quite scary, but not very surprising.
              Last edited by Mich the Tester; 13 January 2011, 15:14.
              And what exactly is wrong with an "ad hominem" argument? Dodgy Agent, 16-5-2014


                Originally posted by RichardCranium View Post
                It's not important who did it. It's about what YOU will do to stop it happening again.
                I doubt anything will prevent it from happening again. Look at the way we invaded Iraq on the basis of no intelligence at all. If oil were to run out, with no alternatives available, you could probably say goodbye to Iran and perhaps most of the globe's population in the ensuing battles too.


                  Originally posted by Mich the Tester View Post

                  Likewise, the claim made by some people now that European muslims are hoping to take over Europe and subject us all to dhimmitude is clearly preposterous to anyone with a clear mind. A minority, comprising about 5% of the population, simply can’t do that without the tacit approval of the other 95%. .
                  When you look at birth rates, it's not quite so preposterous. At what tipping point would you become concerned ?
                  Doing the needful since 1827


                    Originally posted by amcdonald View Post
                    When you look at birth rates, it's not quite so preposterous. At what tipping point would you become concerned ?
                    I am, by training, a demographer. I have seen the birth rates. I am not concerned. If they were twice as high, I still wouldn't live long enough to become concerned.

                    If you were to posit that Muslims will someday be able to defeat the rest of Europe electorally and force their will upon us you would have to assume;

                    - birth rates among muslims remaining constant or rising. They’re falling, because;
                    * muslims immigrant families tend to live in cities. Urbanization has always led to a fall in birth rates in any particular population and there’s no reason to assume it won’t among muslims. Anyway, 2nd and 3rd generations already have significantly lower birth rates than preceding generations
                    * young muslim women are doing relatively well in education in Europe; educated women tend to have less children than less educated women, regardless of religion
                    - no mass immigration of non-muslims
                    * very unpredictable is this one, but no reason to believe there won’t be one, seeing as there have been large immigrations of Hindus, Christians and Bhuddists/Confucianists into Europe in the last 50 years, and most of western Europe is facing labour shortages due to an ageing population
                    - almost no muslims giving up their faith or converting to another faith
                    * unlikely; Christianity is actually growing very quickly in the Islamic world
                    * secular life is attracting many young muslims too; they just don’t get in the news as much as the radical believers. In other words, certainly not all those who are brought up muslim will remain muslim and bring up their children as muslims
                    - no large scale emigration of muslims
                    * right now there are quite a lot of young muslims leaving western Europe to live in Turkey, where they feel they have greater economic chances than here. No sings of a let-up there; as Turkey booms, it attracts more people
                    - strong political organization of muslims into religious parties
                    * as I said earlier, this is almost non-existent in Europe and most muslims vote somewhere in the Labour/Liberal/Green political middle, with a few voting for moderate Christian democrat parties

                    In short, for Muslims to take over in Europe, they’d have to defy just about everything we’ve ever learnt about demographics (based on studies of human populations of all faiths, all over the world, for the last 2500 years or so) and carry on doing that for many decades to come. I think there’s more chance of Europe being invaded and subjugated by little green men from the planet Zog.

                    Anyway, following current demographic trends, the Dutch demography institute (NIDI) estimates that in 2050, muslims will constitute 9% of the population of Holland; certainly not enough to set up a caliphate.

                    Please don't fall for the Eurabia bulltulip; it's a classic conspiracy theory and a trap for fools.
                    Last edited by Mich the Tester; 13 January 2011, 16:11.
                    And what exactly is wrong with an "ad hominem" argument? Dodgy Agent, 16-5-2014


                      Originally posted by RichardCranium View Post
                      The Canadians have a very poor record for death camp construction; rubbish at it they are.
                      As I typed that in, I knew I'd regret it.

                      Internment Camps in British Columbia and Canada

                      After Great Britain entered the First World War in August 1914, the government of Canada issued an Order in Council under the War Measures Act. It required the registration and in certain cases the internment of aliens of "enemy nationality". Twenty-four "concentration camps" were established across Canada. The camps were supposed to house enemy alien immigrants who had contravened regulations or who were deemed to be security threats. In fact, the "enemy aliens" could be interned if they failed to register, or failed to report monthly, or travelled without permission, or wrote to relatives in Austria.

                      Other less concrete reasons given for internment included "acting in a very suspicious manner" and being "undesirable". By the middle of 1915, 4000 of the internees had been imprisoned for being "indigent" (poor and unemployed).

                      Upon each individual's arrest, whatever money and property they had was taken by the government. They were sometimes mistreated by the guards. One hundred and seven internees died, including several shot while trying to escape. They were forced to work on maintaining the camps, road-building, railway construction, and mining.

                      The first World War ended in 1918, but the forced labour program was such a benefit to Canadian corporations that the internment was continued for two years after the end of the War.
                      Also: Japanese Canadian internment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Japanese Canadian internment refers to the confinement of Japanese Canadians in British Columbia during World War II. The internment began in December 1941.

                      Many children were brought up in these camps. But what is stranger, is that the government had promised the Japanese that they would get their land back when they had come back from 'shelters'. While the Japanese were in the camps, their land was sold off cheaply at auctions, some land currently worth millions. Many of the families sent away lost most of their personal belongings, as they could only take as much of their belongings as they could carry. They did not know that they were going to prison camps, and did not know that they were not being sent away for their safety at all.

                      Many Canadian citizens were unaware of the living conditions within the internment camps. The Japanese Canadians who resided within the camp at Hastings Park were placed in stables and barnyards, where they lived without privacy in an unsanitary environment. A former internee attested to the “intense cold during the winter” and her only source of heat was from a “pot-bellied stove” within the stable. General conditions were poor enough that the Red Cross transferred fundamental food shipments from civilians affected by the war to the internees.

                      Those living in "relocation camps" were not legally interned.

                      Some of the interned citizens had been combat veterans of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, including several men who had been decorated for bravery during the fighting on the Western Front in the First World War.

                      In April 1945, the end of the war was plausible and an official movement to remove Japanese Canadians from British Columbia commenced. Japanese Canadians were given the choice to move east of the Rockies or be repatriated to Japan. White-collar jobs were not open to them and most Japanese Canadians were reduced to “wage-earners”.

                      Repatriation began in May 1946 and 3,964 Japanese Canadians were deported back to Japan. Thousands of Japanese Canadians (born in Canada) were being sent to a country they had never known and where they would still feel quite alienated. Family members would be divided. They were being deported to a country that had been destroyed by bombs and was now hunger-stricken due to the war.
                      But I bet it was the German Canadians wot done it.

                      My all-time favourite Dilbert cartoon, this is: BTW, a Dumpster is a brand of skip, I think.

