Originally posted by Lambros
Well it's financial black hole is reaching record levels
Waiting lists and waiting times have fallen.
Have you tried getting on the waiting list?
Our economic performance is the envy of our competitors, with growth every single quarter of the last decade.
Ah! this will be why unemployment, inflation, interest rates are all on the way up then. Also our tax burden has gone up to pay for all the growth in the public sector which now accounts for 1 in 4 of all jobs. The increase in jobs within the public sector is magnitudes larger than that in the private sector and the number employed in manufacturing is at a record low.
It's worth noting that this period of growth started under a Tory government and only got slower under the labour one.
Strip out the growth in the public sector and the growth as a result of immigration one might find that the remaining part of the economy has actually contracted.
Families are better off, with the poorest groups having seen the biggest increases in their incomes.
They are? that is why social mobility between various sectors of society has stagnated then.
It is a measure of how much has changed that no party which wants to be in government now questions the existence of the National Health Service funded by us all and free at the point of use
No party in modern times has ever questioned the need for an NHS free at the point of use and that includes the Thatcher and Major governments which preceeded the New Labour one. However if it is how come pensioners who need knee operations are told it will take 3 months before they can see a consultant (before going on those really short waiting lists) yet if they pay then the same consultant will seem them instantly and they can get it done privately! Funny definition of the word free.
I will keep my commitment to work tirelessly for the restart of the peace process in the Middle East.
What? How? Have another war?
Forget what country he is talking about, it is not one that is easily recognisable. What planet is he on?