Originally posted by 530iM
But that's not to say it's anything to do with IR35. IR35 (for the most part) is aimed at people using Ltd. companies to avoid paying as much tax as they would as an employee whilst doing the same job as an employee (and especially people who leave their permanent jobs and return as Ltd company contractors). As a sole trader I don't see how it matters as you won't gain much by being in or out of IR35.
If this is your old employer, there's little point you being a contractor anyway as there's a real risk all the old employment obligations will still stand: redundancy, sick pay, holiday pay, maternity leave (if you're that way inclined) and being responsible for deducting your tax at source, and companies hire contractors to avoid all that. Could be good for you of course, but you're playing them for fools.
I think your best bet is to join one of the honest umbrella companies like Parasol and put your sole trader business on hold.