Many years ago, my sister borrowed my mum's car to go out for a night on the town. Before she got to do so, she reversed the car (an automatic) into the neighbour's car across the road in his driveway resulting in a slight dent in each car.
It was raining hard and the neighbour did not hear anything. Sister abandoned the idea of driving and instead got picked up by a friend.
My mum asked me could I do anything which resulted in me and my mum driving to car park and under an umbrella, I hammered out the dent; filled it; and spayed it. Fortunately it was white and easy to finish with a nice shine.
Next morning we watched as neighbour inspected his car and noticed his car had been dented and with some white paint marks. He went across the road and looked at mum's car. With no dents in her car he looked puzzled and went back home. We never heard anything afterwards.
It was raining hard and the neighbour did not hear anything. Sister abandoned the idea of driving and instead got picked up by a friend.
My mum asked me could I do anything which resulted in me and my mum driving to car park and under an umbrella, I hammered out the dent; filled it; and spayed it. Fortunately it was white and easy to finish with a nice shine.
Next morning we watched as neighbour inspected his car and noticed his car had been dented and with some white paint marks. He went across the road and looked at mum's car. With no dents in her car he looked puzzled and went back home. We never heard anything afterwards.