So current gig is finishing next week so I've updated the old CV and chucked it up on the job boards, let my LinkedIn agents know I'm going to be imminently available and in the process of nudging previous clients to see if they might need anyone.
However whilst updating cwjobs I noticed that in their privacy settings there was an option to set who to allow access to your CV, one option was "recruitment agencies", the other was "direct companies". I set the option for direct companies to "prompt me for permission". Well since then I've had a stream of odd sounding company names requesting my cv and after a bit of googling they mostly turn out to be outfits run by out sub content friends albeit based at various locations around the uk.
Now the cynic in me says they're going to be getting a wide range of cv styles and flogging them back to their chums across the water, anyone else found this?
However whilst updating cwjobs I noticed that in their privacy settings there was an option to set who to allow access to your CV, one option was "recruitment agencies", the other was "direct companies". I set the option for direct companies to "prompt me for permission". Well since then I've had a stream of odd sounding company names requesting my cv and after a bit of googling they mostly turn out to be outfits run by out sub content friends albeit based at various locations around the uk.
Now the cynic in me says they're going to be getting a wide range of cv styles and flogging them back to their chums across the water, anyone else found this?