Originally posted by DimPrawn
Thatcher ruined the country I grew up in and loved, just as Bush is ruining that in which I now live. She spawned a generation for whom the making of money is the only measure of achievement, turned vices (greed, philistinism) into virtues (private enterprise, pragmatism), and did irrevocable damage to educational and cultural institutions. My parents' generation (75+) benefited not one whit from the Thatcher ecomonic revolution and are still eking out a living on their pensions. Did anyone say Northern Ireland or Falklands? What short memories we have. When she dies, show me her grave, hand me my dancing shoes, and strike up the band.
She left millions without jobs or hope of a future. Her destruction of the social fabric in Britain has left scars across the country; we are still suffering from the fund starvation she imposed upon public services; and as for her being honorable and representing the best qualities of Britain, well, all I can say is I hope others don't assume she embodies Britain. Her friendship and dealings with men like General Pinochet, and other of the world's less savoury leaders, in the name of free enterprise, is a blight and a shame on our nation. Not to mention the upbringing her son obviously received and the values she instilled in him! All told I think she was without a doubt the worst prime minister this country has ever had, and a horrible person to boot.