First of all this is my first post so my apologies if I commit some major faux pas.
I have run through the forum but couldn't find any thread related to my situation, hence the new one.
I have been working for my end client for over 10y now and was told to use a Placement Agent as shield between the Financial Institution and myself. That Placement Agent did not find me the contract neither did they do anything for me, bar passing the funds paid to them to my umbrella company.
Things have been fine until 2 or 3yrs ago when payments to my umbrella started to be late with little or no explanations given. Then they requested that their payment terms changed from 21 days to 30 days from invoice date. Which I agreed.
Things did not improve, just got worse and worse.
Until a couple of month ago, despite many promises, I was still owed monies due on invoices for Oct 19, Nov 19 and Dec 19. Eventually Oct and Dec were paid (Nov was the highest).
I have had many emails conversation with the manager of the Placement Agent, I have had many promises of payment, on April 1st I was told that a payment plan will be set up from June 1st. Of course June 1st came and went and still no payment.
Finally on June 3rd I was sent an email by the said Manager giving me 2 options:
Option 1: Agree to 65% of the invoice and walk away.
Option 2: Agree a 10 month payment plan.
Given that it is very obvious that the company is in dire straits, Option 2 is a non starter. i am being told that it is either 1 or 2 or they will file for insolvency and I am unlikely to get anything.
I have since found out that the Director of the company (as per Companies House) has walked away and delegated all daily operations to the said manager.
The said manager has registered an IT Recruitment Company with Companies House in March 2020.
The said manager has told me that he isn't a salaried employee of the Placement Agent but invoice for his services.
The said manager has told me that he is also a debtor of the company.
The said manager has told me that he is a shareholder of the company.
For completeness, I was Opt Out of Reg 32 at the time and would have been considered an employee of an umbrella company.
Has anyone come across such a rat's nest of a situation?
Is their behaviour even legal? Short of going to Court and facing the risk that I end up with no one to speak to, what are my options?
First of all this is my first post so my apologies if I commit some major faux pas.
I have run through the forum but couldn't find any thread related to my situation, hence the new one.
I have been working for my end client for over 10y now and was told to use a Placement Agent as shield between the Financial Institution and myself. That Placement Agent did not find me the contract neither did they do anything for me, bar passing the funds paid to them to my umbrella company.
Things have been fine until 2 or 3yrs ago when payments to my umbrella started to be late with little or no explanations given. Then they requested that their payment terms changed from 21 days to 30 days from invoice date. Which I agreed.
Things did not improve, just got worse and worse.
Until a couple of month ago, despite many promises, I was still owed monies due on invoices for Oct 19, Nov 19 and Dec 19. Eventually Oct and Dec were paid (Nov was the highest).
I have had many emails conversation with the manager of the Placement Agent, I have had many promises of payment, on April 1st I was told that a payment plan will be set up from June 1st. Of course June 1st came and went and still no payment.
Finally on June 3rd I was sent an email by the said Manager giving me 2 options:
Option 1: Agree to 65% of the invoice and walk away.
Option 2: Agree a 10 month payment plan.
Given that it is very obvious that the company is in dire straits, Option 2 is a non starter. i am being told that it is either 1 or 2 or they will file for insolvency and I am unlikely to get anything.
I have since found out that the Director of the company (as per Companies House) has walked away and delegated all daily operations to the said manager.
The said manager has registered an IT Recruitment Company with Companies House in March 2020.
The said manager has told me that he isn't a salaried employee of the Placement Agent but invoice for his services.
The said manager has told me that he is also a debtor of the company.
The said manager has told me that he is a shareholder of the company.
For completeness, I was Opt Out of Reg 32 at the time and would have been considered an employee of an umbrella company.
Has anyone come across such a rat's nest of a situation?
Is their behaviour even legal? Short of going to Court and facing the risk that I end up with no one to speak to, what are my options?