A quick google and you'll find a few lenders' criteria for day rate contractors and have an idea what to ask for. Here's Accord's:
Day rate contractors are acceptable for lending purposes if the following criteria is met:
* A maximum of 46 weeks income used from the current contract
* Maximum 8 week gap between contracts in the last 12 months
* Minimum income of £300 per day or £50,000 per annum
* Minimum 12 month track record of contracts with a minimum of 3 months
remaining on the current contract. If less than 3 months remaining on current
contract then they must have a 2 year track record of contract work
* Current and previous contracts covering the last 12 month period
* PAYE/Umbrella Co: latest 3 payslips/invoices and latest 3 months personal
bank statements
* Limited Company: latest 3 months business bank statements and latest 1 months
personal bank statement
* A maximum of 46 weeks income used from the current contract
* Maximum 8 week gap between contracts in the last 12 months
* Minimum income of £300 per day or £50,000 per annum
* Minimum 12 month track record of contracts with a minimum of 3 months
remaining on the current contract. If less than 3 months remaining on current
contract then they must have a 2 year track record of contract work
* Current and previous contracts covering the last 12 month period
* PAYE/Umbrella Co: latest 3 payslips/invoices and latest 3 months personal
bank statements
* Limited Company: latest 3 months business bank statements and latest 1 months
personal bank statement