Yet another notification of an application to rig up a bunch of wind turbines landed on my doormat this morning.
This time it's one of the local quarries. Local council isn't going to let them expand unless they hit certain carbon footprint targets which means they need to install four 80 metre turbines (& they'll be getting a £400k year subsidy for this, apparently).
Not sure if the council that stipulates the carbon targets is the same one that approves the planning application though.
That's now five current applications within a 5 mile radius 2 of which will be in direct line of sight of my house - the aforementioned solar farm out the front & these 4 turbines over the back.
This is a photomontage of the view that I'll have from the back of my house.
I suppose some of you'll think that's not too bad but that bit of woodland there is one of the few remaining tracts of ancient woodland on the Mendips & has SSSI status as it is home to a fair few rare species (horseshoe bats, spotted flycatcher, garden warbler to name a few).
Looks like I'm going to be spreading myself a bit thin opposing all these proposals
This time it's one of the local quarries. Local council isn't going to let them expand unless they hit certain carbon footprint targets which means they need to install four 80 metre turbines (& they'll be getting a £400k year subsidy for this, apparently).
Not sure if the council that stipulates the carbon targets is the same one that approves the planning application though.
That's now five current applications within a 5 mile radius 2 of which will be in direct line of sight of my house - the aforementioned solar farm out the front & these 4 turbines over the back.
This is a photomontage of the view that I'll have from the back of my house.
I suppose some of you'll think that's not too bad but that bit of woodland there is one of the few remaining tracts of ancient woodland on the Mendips & has SSSI status as it is home to a fair few rare species (horseshoe bats, spotted flycatcher, garden warbler to name a few).
Looks like I'm going to be spreading myself a bit thin opposing all these proposals