Originally posted by BishopS0411
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But to address the tax issue, this is the crust of it:
The first year will be a split tax year, depending on what point in the year you start the gig. That's when the days test and centre of life test will be a nightmare to determine your tax status.
Each subsequent tax year, if you are in the UAE for the whole year, you are automatically non-resident and the additional ties tests don't matter.
When you return, you will again likely have a split year which will need to be worked out. In addition to the pay you receive while you are away, if you are outside the UK for more than 5 years, any other income like dividends and capital gains will also be tax-free.
So, the things you need to be keeping in mind are:
How long would you be away? Going to take a gig for a few months or up to a couple of years may not be worth it.
If longer can that work and pay be guaranteed?
Are you genuinely going to be out of the UK for the whole time? If not, then you may get tangled up in the additional ties tests.
Lastly, you will then need to factor in and consider what the others have said. If it's an average paid gig, you may be paying more for rent, travel and food than the tax you are saving.
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